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E-böcker / Fantasy & SF

Omslagsbild för The Old House

The Old House

There was once an old house that was so dilapidated that it made the other houses in the street ashamed. But, the little boy who lived opposite liked it a lot and loved looking at ...

Omslagsbild för The Old Church Bell

The Old Church Bell

In a little house in Marbach, on the banks of the Necker river, lived a poor family. The day that their son was born, the church’s bell was rung to celebrate the newborn’s arrival. ...

Omslagsbild för The Neighbouring Families

The Neighbouring Families

Many families lived close to the pond: the roses, the sparrows and even men. During a family discussion, the little sparrows asked their parents, what is Beauty? A question whose a ...

Omslagsbild för The Naughty Boy

The Naughty Boy

One stormy evening, a kind old poet was resting quietly at home when he heard a knock at his door. When he opened it, he found a handsome young boy, soaking wet, and the good poet ...

Omslagsbild för The Metal Pig

The Metal Pig

In the city of Florence is a bronze statue of a boar, from who’s mouth runs the water that is collected by the people of Florence. One evening, a poor boy came to drink and found a ...

Omslagsbild för The Little Green Ones

The Little Green Ones

A short time ago, the rose bush next to the window was still magnificent, but since the invasion of an army of greenies, it is rather worse for wear. We men, we are not very fond o ...

Omslagsbild för The Happy Family

The Happy Family

Next to a long-abandoned castle, grows a jungle of burdock. Under the great green leaves live two old snails, descended from a long lineage, whose ancestors were served on silver p ...

Omslagsbild för The Goblin and the Grocer

The Goblin and the Grocer

A goblin lived with a grocer whom he liked a lot because, at Christmas, the grocer never forgot to give him his porridge with a big knob of butter. Under the eaves of the grocer’s ...

Omslagsbild för The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf

The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf

Inger was a little girl but she was a bad person. This was obvious even when she was very small: she enjoyed catching insects and tearing off their wings without any pity for the p ...

Omslagsbild för The Garden of Paradise

The Garden of Paradise

“There was once the son of a king who had many books, no one had more and no one had more beautiful: everything that had happened in the world, he could learn of it and see it repr ...

Omslagsbild för The Galoshes of Fortune

The Galoshes of Fortune

The Galoshes of Fortune have the power of carrying the person who wears them instantly to any time and place they desire – but is this really a good thing?Hans Christian Andersen ( ...

Omslagsbild för The Farmyard Cock and the Weathercock

The Farmyard Cock and the Weathercock

There were two cockerels on the farm: one lived in the henhouse and the other was a weather vane. Both thought they were better than the other, but what was the truth?Hans Christia ...

Omslagsbild för The Emperor's New Clothes

The Emperor's New Clothes

There was once an emperor who was only interested in one thing, his clothes. He spent all his money on his outfits and had a different one for every time of day and every occasion. ...

Omslagsbild för The Drop of Water

The Drop of Water

An old man called Kribble-Krabble observed a drop of water in a puddle in a ditch through a magnifying glass. And it kribbled and krabbled and when things were not as he wanted, he ...

Omslagsbild för The Daisy

The Daisy

A daisy was growing peacefully next to a country road, forgotten by everyone, but happy. She liked feeling the sun on her petals and listening to the birds sing. Nothing seemed lik ...

Omslagsbild för The Angel

The Angel

When a child dies, an angel comes to find them and bring them to heaven and they take with them some flowers so that they can bloom again above. But, this time, when the angel came ...

Omslagsbild för Pen and Inkstand

Pen and Inkstand

The inkstand was so proud of himself! Someone who was visiting a poet praised it, saying that wonderful things could come out of an inkstand. But, are all the beautiful poems made ...

Omslagsbild för Little Tuk

Little Tuk

Little Tuk had to learn his lesson for the next day but he was far too busy with other things and so he found himself with the sun already setting, while his family did not have en ...

Omslagsbild för Little Claus and Big Claus

Little Claus and Big Claus

There were two men called Claus in the town. To tell them apart, one was called Big Claus, because he had four horses and the other, Little Claus, because he only had one horse. Th ...

Omslagsbild för It's Quite True!

It's Quite True!

One evening, in a henhouse, something terrible happened. The story spread from one end of town to the other, from chicken to owl, from owl to pigeon and from owl to bat. But, did t ...

Omslagsbild för Grandmother


Grandmother is old, kind, and she knows many stories. Between the pages of her psalter can be found a pressed withered rose that she often regards with a smile on her lips. Do you ...

Omslagsbild för Clumsy Hans

Clumsy Hans

The king’s daughter decided to marry the man who could best arrange his words. Two brothers, full of hope and well-prepared, set out to ask for her hand, when suddenly the third br ...

Omslagsbild för En annan plats på jorden

En annan plats på jorden

Gertrud och Pojken kommer efter en lång och mödosam resa till en liten stad belägen långt bortanför civilisation och samhälle. Där träffar de först en vacker häst, som de låter kal ...

Omslagsbild för Tidsbrott


”Vänta! Det kommer någon!”   Kevin kände paniken. Pulsen rusade och han drog snabbt in Anton bakom ett skåp. Prästen och soldaten som sakta gick genom kyrksalen hade inte sett dem ...

Omslagsbild för Allianssi.125: Terra Unionia: Viides kirja

Allianssi.125: Terra Unionia: Viides kirja

Terra Unionian viidennessä kirjassa Lena Vaal pitää rajavartioston kunniallisuutta epävarmana ja alkaa selvittää epäilyksiensä todenperäisyyttä. Samaan aikaan yhteistä tehtävää val ...