Förlag: Eget Förlag Sverige AB
Engelskspråkiga Ekonomi & marknadsföring
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2023
The Hunt for Paper Tigers : More Effective Quality Management
Is quality management all Greek to you? Did you know it's actually about business benefits, leadership and success?
In his book the author takes a complicated standard and simplifies it. You'll find advice and tools that will help you look up and get a grip on your strategy. Rediscover your energy and the real reason you do what you do. Because that's how you'll achieve success.
This book is intended for individuals and organisations that are looking for a simple, comprehensive and practical guide to creating strategic business value and meeting the majority of the requirements in the ISO 9001 quality standard. It’s a common-sense approach to successfully managing opera- tions while eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy and paper tigers: that is, documents that exist just for the sake of it and not to create value.
Context of the organisation
What’s the purpose of the organisation?
How would you like to achieve your purpose and goals?
What are your expectations?
How do you work in practice?
Employee commitment
Socialise more and increase understanding
Keep everyone in the loop
Delegate more
Take a chance or play it safe?
A model, any model
Identifying the goals
Aiming too high
The budget is not the truth
Personnel, equipment and OHS
How do you go about hiring employees?
Keep track of skills and competencies
Document management
New services and products
Performance evaluation
How do you evaluate employees and managers?
Internal auditing is a self-assessment
External auditing
When and how does the leadership team meet?
A few final words
About the author
Andreas Odhage is a global quality and environmental management auditor who is fighting a worldwide crusade against paper tigers and excessive bureaucracy. This is his second book.
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